Physical reactions in our bodies influence the way we perform and respond to situations. When we are stressed, adrenaline is released, muscles tense, breathing speeds up and heart rate increases, sometimes without us even realising.
If you become more aware of your physical reactions to challenging situations, you can test whether your reactions are reasonable in the circumstances and use these tools for learning how to adjust them if needed.
1 minuteControlled breathing
This tool will assist you to slow your breathing rate and manage physical reactions to stressful or difficult situations.
2 minutesGuided groundingThe guided grounding tool will help you focus on your surroundings and the present moment.
10 minutesProgressive muscle relaxation
This tool will guide you through an effective way to release the tension in your body.
5-10 minutesIsometrics
This tool can help release stress by letting you target particular areas of your body where you feel tension.
1-5 minutesQuick groundingThis tool will help develop greater awareness of what’s going on in your body and around you. This can help stop unhelpful thoughts and feelings.