Open Arms Outreach Program

The Open Arms Outreach Program is designed to increase service accessibility for Open Arms clients. 
Our mission is to excel in delivering leading mental health and wellbeing services.
Our vision is to provide veterans and their families with the highest level of support.

This Program includes a network of psychologists and mental health social workers working in private practice to support the delivery of services on behalf of Open Arms across Australia. 

Why become an Open Arms Outreach Provider?

Open Arms is an innovative, client-focused organisation providing multidisciplinary care, including care coordination, peer support, group treatment and mental health training to current and ex-serving Australian Defence Force personnel, their partners, and children. 

Outreach Providers delivering services on behalf of Open Arms have access to:  

  • Open Arms specific professional development opportunities, including webinars, provider resources and training that can attract CPD points.
  • 24/7 support through Client Assist means that you won't need to be 'on call' for your Open Arms clients after hours or when you take leave.
  • Efficient, timely and reliable invoicing process. 

Open Arms Outreach Provider Services

Outreach Providers are engaged to deliver one or more of the following services:

  • Outreach Program Counsellors (OPC)– individual, couples and/or families
  • Group Program Facilitators (GPF)
  • Clinical Supervisors

How do I become an Open Arms Outreach Provider?

Open Arms established a panel arrangement under which all Outreach Providers deliver Open Arms services to clients.  Appointment to this panel is only through a Request for Tender (RFT) issued via AusTender, when the panel of Outreach Providers is refreshed. 

The current panel refresh RFT opened on 23 September 2024 and is now closed as of 2pm ACT local time on 24 October 2024. 

Late tenders cannot be accepted.  Tender evaluation has commenced and is in progress. It is anticipated the evaluation will be completed by February 2025.

Questions about this RFT should be sent to the Contact Officer –

Suitably qualified organisations interested in becoming an Open Arms Outreach Provider will be able to apply during a future Request for Tender (RFT) refresh of the panel. For information about a future RFT, please continue to monitor AusTender ( for any updates in relation to the next RFT.

Schedule of fees

Payment is based on the current Open Arms Schedule of Fees for the relevant service.

This Fee Schedule is indexed in accordance with the indexation rate applied to the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) of fees.

Outreach Provider Notes

Before tendering to become a provider, it is important that you read the Outreach Program Counsellor Provider Notes. The Provider Notes describe the requirements for the Services and if you are appointed to the Panel you will be required to comply with the Provider Notes:  

The Notes contain detailed information on the provision of Open Arms Outreach Program services and outline the terms of engagement for the Services. Prospective providers must agree to comply with the conditions set out in the Provider Notes as part of the tender process.


When appointed as an OPC, the onboarding process – which includes providing access to Open Arms systems – can take up to fifteen (15) business days.  

Once this is complete, the relevant Open Arms region coordinator will be advised of your availability and referral preferences, and they will be in touch to arrange a suitable time to conduct orientation and system training relevant to your nominated service/s.


Open Arms takes care to ensure providers are matched to clients depending on the needs of the client, location, and expertise of the provider. 

Appointment to the Panel that will be established through the RFT that is accessible on AusTender does not guarantee that you will receive referrals from Open Arms.

Clients interested in being seen under Open Arms arrangements must contact Client Assist on 1800 011 046 to have an intake assessment completed and discuss referral options. Clients may request a particular provider however we cannot guarantee allocation.


  • NAVY children

    About veterans and their families

    Veterans and their families face unique experiences during a military career, and in transitioning to civilian life.
  • tri service

    Our story

    Open Arms – Veterans and Veterans Family Counselling (formerly VVCS) was founded by Australia's Vietnam veterans after a difficult chapter in Australia's history.
  • Research and collaboration

    Open Arms contributes to a wide range of research projects in Australia and around the world, as well as funding professional development for counsellors.