Peer Brendan

One of our peers, Brendan, reflects on emotions and taking stock of where you’re at and where you’ve come from. 

peer brendan

If you don't feel stuff, you can't heal stuff.

I'm not sure who exactly said that - but it's bang on!

The Defence and Veteran community has a lot going on right now including Afghanistan, the Brereton Report and the Royal Commission.

Then there is where we 'are at normally'... and depending on that and all the above, it is really an important time to take stock and notice ’where is my head right now and how am I coping?’

It is absolutely OK to be upset and confused or have thoughts of hurt, distrust or blame.

It's also OK to not be feeling any of this.

But if you are feeling stuff - have you got the skills and tools to be able to:

  1. Recognise how you’re feeling?
  2. Differentiate between feelings and distance yourself from them – not letting them ‘own you’?
  3. Recognise the thought that preceded the feeling, and… 
  4. Not let those thoughts and feelings have a lasting effect on your day, relationships and.... life?

If you are feeling stuff, then you need to heal stuff. If you've got the tools - then do it!

If you haven't, then reach out.

You aren’t your thoughts and you aren’t your feelings you are you! With knowledge and skills you can critique your thoughts and choose whether your feelings are warranted.

You don’t need a diagnosis to talk to someone, just talk.

  • Reach out to your mates.
  • Reach out to us.
  • Whether it's to vent, whether it's develop your skill set, I am here along with the rest of the Open Arms Team.

Peer Brendan Barry 

If you’re a veteran or come from a military family, and need to talk, we’re here 24/7 to listen.